Schlagwort-Archive: Desktop

Birman wallpaper

Since September 2010 I have a guest living in my apartment. Elli, a Birman cat. She’s keeping me quite busy and it’s more or less not possible to take any pictures of her as

a) being still for even 5 seconds isn’t really something she normally does

b) whenever flashlight meets her eyes she looks like a cat from hell

A pity as her eyes are normally of a clear blue!

So this was the original photo taken during playing with her

Elli, photo as it has been taken
Elli, photo as it has been taken

and that’s what Lightroom finally made out of it:

Elli Widescreen Wallpaper
Elli Widescreen Wallpaper
Elli 4:3 Wallpaper
Elli 4:3 Wallpaper